
Home on wheels

#theholiday2025 #newadventures #freeasabird

Are you ready for new experiences? Short weekend trips or longer adventures? Free as a bird?

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Lians has a very good selection of gas heaters and gas kitchens
Emergency supply

Lians has a very good selection of gas heaters and gas kitchens

Whether you're planning for camping, excursions and vacations, or you're doing like the rest of the world now; ensuring self-preparedness, check out the selection at Lians!

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For over 40 years, Lians has been supplying people from all over the country with campers and caravans. We believe our success is linked to the fact that we are all avid camping enthusiasts. We can say with our hands on our hearts WE LOVE CAMPINGAnd our highest wish is for you to be able to say it too!

Warm welcome
gjelder ut september

Varmt velkommen
til årets høstmesse
19.-22. september

Lots of campers and carts in stock that we are now selling to the hero ELEVENVILLE AWARDS!!!

Icon som illustrerer serviceminded person.

Would you like to talk motorhome or caravan with a salesperson?

Or maybe you need help with an invoice or a complaint? We are here to help you! Call us or fill out the form with your name and contact info and we will call you as soon as we become available.

contact us
Illustrasjon av verktøy, det vil si her finner du våre verksted-tjenester.

Do you want to order parts or workshop hours?

Book an appointment for service, EU inspection, tire change, timing belt replacement or other workshop services? Do you want to order new parts for your motorhome or wagon? Send us a request and we will get back to you with booking confirmation.

order here
Illustrasjon av en campingvogn som utsettes for en skade.

Have you had an accident and need a damage assessment?

To put it another way: we will help you with this! We just need tiny bits of information. For example, your insurance company and the damage number you have obtained there. We guide you through it all!

order damage tariff

Lyst til å dra på egne roadtrips? Vi har den perfekte følgesvenn!

Say hello to wonderful and impulsive vacations and weekend trips

What all of us camping-crazy people appreciate most is the freedom! Freedom to go wherever we want, whenever we want. To Lofoten for a long weekend or a road trip down Europe that ends up at Lake Garda maybe? We have the holiday home with us, and travel at the pace we want. Delicious and impulsive. That's life! We hope you get bitten by the bacillus too!

We are a dealer for some of the world's most renowned brands

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