Privacy Policy
This privacy statement describes how Lians Caravan & Fritid AS collects, uses and processes personal data. Lians Caravan & Fritid AS is governed by Norwegian law, and we comply with the applicable rules for personal data at all times, and the processing thereof. It is voluntary for those who visit the websites to provide personal data in connection with services such as receiving newsletters. The basis for processing is the consent of the individual, unless otherwise specified. Information collected in connection with the operation of the website is stored on its own servers operated by the provider. Only Lians Caravan & Fritid AS and its subcontractors have access to the data collected. You can find more information about privacy and privacy-related matters on the websites of Data Protection Authority.
About cookies
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer when you download a website. Cookies are linked to your IP address and are not linked to other personal information. Lians Caravan & Fritid AS does not use cookies to generate statistics and thus we cannot track your use of the website back to you as an individual. The storage of data and the processing of this data is not allowed unless the user has both been informed about and has given his consent to the processing. The user must know about and approve what data is being processed, what the purpose of the processing is and who is processing the data. Read more about how to manage cookies on
Necessary cookies
We use cookies to remember choices you have made on the site and to increase usability. These will not be deleted after the end of the visit. This means that future visits to the website will be faster and more adapted to the visitor. Without these, we cannot guarantee that all the functionality of the website will work properly.
Session-dependent cookies
These are used, among other things, to register that a visitor is visiting the website. These will be deleted after the end of the visit.
Third-party cookies
These are cookies from another domain. These are used, among other things, to obtain visitor statistics in order to improve the user experience of the website. Google Analytics is a third party that Lians Caravan & Fritid AS uses.
Access, modification and deletion of information
You have the right to obtain information from Lians Caravan & Fritid AS what personal data Lians Caravan & Fritid AS has registered about you. If they are incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you can request that the data be corrected or deleted in accordance with applicable law.
How to delete cookies on our website
When you access our website for the first time, or if it has been a long time since you last visited us, you will see our cookie policy and be able to choose which cookies you want to allow. If you want to change your cookie settings later, you can click on the 'Cookies settings' link found at the bottom of the website. There you can choose or opt out of statistical and marketing-related cookies. If you opt out of a category of cookies, these cookies are immediately deleted from your browser. Remember that cookies are set at the browser level (see below).
How to delete cookies in a browser

I nettleseren din kan du velge hvilke informasjonskapsler du vil tillate og hvilke du vil blokkere eller slette. Hvordan du gjør det, avhenger av hvilken nettleser du bruker. Bruker du flere nettlesere, må du slette informasjonskapsler i hver enkelt av dem. Hvis du sletter eller blokkerer informasjonskapsler, kan det føre til at nettstedet ikke fungerer optimalt.Vil du slette informasjonskapsler du har tillatt, må du gjøre dette i nettleseren. Disse lenkene tar deg til veiledninger om hvordan du sletter informasjonskapsler i de mest brukte nettleserne: (Veiledningene stammer fra nettleserne og kan bli endret.)

Web statistics
Lians Caravan & Fritid AS collects anonymised information about visitors to The tool we use to collect such statistics is Google Analytics. The purpose of this is to understand how visitors use our services and how, based on this, we can improve the user experience and further develop the information offer on the website. Examples of what the statistics provide are how many people visit the website, which pages are visited, how long the visit lasts, which websites users come from and which browsers are used.

Les mer om Google Analytics her.

Collection, sharing and use of personal data for personalization of ads
Google Analytics links the visitor information it collects from our website to Google information from the accounts of logged-in users who have consented to this association for the purpose of personalizing ads. This data may include end-user location, search history, YouTube history, and data from sites that partner with Google. The data is used to provide aggregated and anonymised insights into users' behaviour across different devices.

The data collected may be accessed and/or deleted by end usershere.
By clicking on “Accept all cookies” you agree to the storage of cookies on your device to improve website navigation, analyse site usage and assist with our marketing efforts. See our privacy statement for more information.